Prof. Dr.-Ing. Franz-Josef Behr

Senior Professor

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Franz-Josef Behr

GDI, Standards, Open Source, Datenmodellierung, Webtechnologie, Disaster Mapping

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森林舞会老虎机_mg电子游戏官网-电玩城下载 Vermessung und Geoinformatik
森林舞会老虎机_mg电子游戏官网-电玩城下载 Photogrammetry and Geoinformatics
nach Vereinbarung via Zoom-Meeting


  • 2002 - 2023

    Professor für Verarbeitung und Pr?sentation raumbezogener Daten in Informations?systemen

  • seit 2008

    Gründer und Chair der AGSE-Konferenzen (Applied Geoinformatics for Society and Environment - AGSE 2009 , Trivandrum, Indien, AGSE 2010, Arequipa, Peru, AGSE 2011, Nairobi, Kenya, AGSE 2012–FOSS4G-SEA, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, AGSE 2014, Stuttgart, AGSE 2017, University of Theran, AGSE 2018, Namibia University of Science and Technology, AGSE 2019, Stuttgart, AGSE 2021, Kathmandu, Nepal, AGSE 2022 in Digital University, Trivandrum, Indien)

  • seit 2008

    Mitglied des DIN- Normenausschuss? Bauwesen? (NABau) Fachbereich Geod?sie,? Geoinformation (NA 005-03-03 AA)

  • seit 2015

    Co-Chair International Cartographic Association (ICA) , Commission on SDI and Standards

  • seit 2017

    Mitglied im Begleitausschuss Geodateninfrastruktur Baden-Württemberg (GDI-BW)

  • 11.2018

    Member UN SPIDER Technical Advisory Mission Zimbabwe

  • 09.2018-11.2018

    Visiting Professor University of Pretoria

  • 2017-2019

    Co-Editor: Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial Conference Proceedings

  • seit 2021

    Member Board of Studies, School of Informatics Digital University Kerala (DUK), Kerala, India

  • 2018

    Erudite-Scholar-in-Residence at the University of Kerala, Trivandrum, India



Wiss. Leiter Alumniarbeit der HFT Stuttgart


Implementierung des mehrsprachigen Alumniportals


A new Passage to India



open4GeoIT: Entwicklung und Implementierung ?H?henbereitstellung aus weltweiten H?henmodellen unter Berücksichtigung verschiedener Interpolationsverfahren“


Geo-hazard Vulnerability Mapping of Sinai Peninsula, Egyt, Using DEM Data and GlS (DFG-gef?rdertes Forschungsprojekt)


Labor für interoperable, quelloffene Geoinformatikanwendungen, Open Data und Standards (HFT ICA-OSGeo-Lab)

Gründung und Leitung

Zur Einrichtung
Vermessung und Geoinformatik Auswertung Geoinformationssystem (GIS)


  • 2023

    Coetzee, Serena & Camboim, Silvana & Griffin, Amy & Varanka, Dalia & Kubicek, Petr & Harvey, Francis & Behr, Franz-Josef. (2023). “Cartography and Open Standards”: A Proposal for an Open Geospatial Consortium Technical Paper. Abstracts of the ICA. 6. 1-2. 10.5194/ica-abs-6-39-2023.

  • 2023

    Behr, F. J. (2023). From traditional OGC Web Services to Modern Open API based Service Architectures: Introduction, Concepts and Experiences from Germany, a country in Transition. Abstracts of the ICA, 6, 19.

  • 2023

    Tampubolon W., Reinhardt W., Behr F.-J. (2023): Acceleration of Human Resource Development for the UAV data processing in Indonesia.

  • 2023

    Behr, F.-J., Buchstab, M., Gr?fe, P., Katzmaier, L., Strack, M., and Baumgart, L.: OpenStreetMap Data as a Basis for Official Geospatial Data: An Investigation into Updating the Building Stock Data for Municipalities in Baden-Württemberg, Germany, Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 6, 20,, 2023

  • 2022

    Hamidreza Ostadabbas, Frank Friesecke, Franz-Josef Behr, Alexander Vincent and Sanchalita Bandyopadhyay (2022): Optimizing and simplifying the process of energy efficiency estimation for urban redevelopment areas by using open source GIS solutions. FIG Congress 2022 in Warsaw, Poland 11-15 September 2022,

  • 2022

    Tampubolon, W., Reinhardt, W., & Behr, F. J. (2022). Acceleration of Human Resource Development for the UAV data processing in Indonesia. AGILE: GIScience Series, 3, 62.

  • 2021

    Coetzee, S., Griffin, A. L., K?bben, B., Kubicek, P., Harvey, F., Varanka, D. E., Camboim, S. P., Behr, F.-J., Plews, R., Moellering, H., and Midtb?, T.: Mapping in words: Standardizing cartographic terminology, Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 3, 54,, 2021.

  • 2021

    Tampubolon W., Reinhardt W., Behr F.-J. (2021): Very High Resolution Satellite Imagery Utilization Standard for Large Scale Topographic Mapping. Seminar Nasional Geomatika (SNG VI), DOI: 10.24895/SNG.2020.0-0.1209

  • 2021

    Tampubolon W., Reinhardt W., Behr F.-J., Amhar F. (2021): New Standard for DEM Generation Based On Radar Interferometry Technique. Seminar Nasional Geomatika 2021, Indonesia

  • 2021

    Griffin, A. L., Coetzee, S., Kubicek, P., Camboim, S. P., Varanka, D. E., Harvey, F., Behr, F.-J., and Brus, J.: Perspectives on making cartographic knowledge accessible to software developers, Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 3, 96,, 2021.

  • 2020

    Behr, F.-J. (2020): Open Data and Open Source: Rapid and task-adequate Geodata Provision for Disaster Management. Proc. 4th Disaster Risk and Vulnerability Conference (DRVC 2020), Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala, India

  • 2014

    Strategisches GIS-Management (Monographie), 3. Auflage, 322 Seiten, Wichmann-Verlag, ISBN 978-3-87907-534-8, E-Book: ISBN 978-3-87907-580-5

  • 1997

    Einführung in Geographische Informationssysteme. Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, Darmstadt, 235 S.

  • 1986-2019


Auszeichnungen und Preise

  • 2016

    Best Poster Award, ISPRS Conference, Prague


  • seit 2009

    Applied Geoinformatics for Society and Environment (AGSE)


08/2023: OGC Standards for making geospatial data, maps and charts findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable. Pre-Conference workshop, ICC 2023, Cape Town, South Africa
03/2023: OGC's API - from WMS/WFS to Open API. RSGCC–2023, University of the Punjab, Pakistan
09/2022: Some Thoughts and Recommendations in Spatial Data Handling. Invited talk, Holkar Science College, Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India
12/2021: Technical perspective on map styling languages. Pre-Conference workshop, ICC 2021, Firence, Italy.
12/2021: Some Observations on Common Patterns in Information Technology. Invited talk, Comilla University, Bangladesh
10/2020: Open Data and Open Source: Rapid and task-adequate Geodata Provision for Disaster Management. DRVC 2020, Trivandrum India
07/2019: Spatial data infrastructures, standards, open source and open data for geospatial. Pre-Conference workshop, ICC 2019, Tokyo
09/2018: OGC and its Geospatial Interoperability Standards. ICA Commission Workshop, University of Pretoria, South Africa
10/2017: Global Challenges: Towards an Interoperability Manifesto. International CODATA 2017 Conference “Global Challenges and Data-Driven Science”, St. Petersburg, Russia
10/2017: Global Challenges and Data-Driven Science: An approach for raising awareness about Indicators for the Sustainable Development Goals. International CODATA 2017 Conference “Global Challenges and Data-Driven Science”, St. Petersburg, Russia
11/2016: Development of an Open Source Geospatial Certification Model: A Key To Empowerment Of Geospatial Education. GISCO, University of Bamberg, Germany
08/2015: SDI-Open 2015, IBGE in Rio de Janeiro
08/2015: Assessment Of Google+ Hangout As Interactive Technology Enhanced Learning Media for Geospatial Technology. ICC 2015
12/2014: Geodata for Humanitarian Affairs in UN Organisations. Invited talk, ICTES 2014, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka
Openess and Interoperability: From technical aspects to zurcross-organisational interoperable Collaboration. Invited talk, ICTES 2014, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka
11/2014: Offenheit und Interoperabilit?t: Von der Technik zur organisationsübergreifenden interoperablen Zusammenarbeit. Invited talk, VoGIS Fachforum, Feldkirch, Austria
02/2013: Geospatial Education and Research. UN, Geneva
04/2012: Strategic Process Management for Introducing GIS. School of Environmental Sciences, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam
04/2012: Geospatial Web Technologies and Standards for Environmental Scientists. IIITM-K, Trivandrum, India
04/2012: Open Source: OSGeo - Spatially Empowered Open Source, IIITM-K, Trivandrum, India

2014-2020: Lehrbeauftragter "Webtechnologie", Hochschule K?rnten, Villach